Can I carry out any repairs immediately after an insured event?

To mitigate losses, you have a legal duty to take all reasonable steps to prevent further damage from occurring. If there’s been severe storm or impact damage, you can contact the State Emergency Service or your local council for assistance. However, you should not authorize repairs beyond those necessary to ensure safety to your property and emergency services to your tenant. If possible, take photos to support any claim made under the policy.

If needed, you must make your damaged property available for inspection by us. In some cases, you may be required to deliver the property to us. We reserve the right to keep any recovered or damaged item that we have agreed to replace for you. To support your loss, you may also be required to provide proof of your ownership, including the value of the items you are claiming for. Therefore, it is always advisable to keep receipts, invoices, or contracts.

In the event of any insured event, we encourage you to contact our office as soon as possible and talk to our friendly staff. We are happy to guide you through any necessary actions.

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